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<metakey>tobacco,control,industry,tobacco control,tobacco control industry,junk-science,science,ETS,second hand smoke,bloggers,blog,tobacco tactics</metakey>
<metadesc>This page contains an overview of bloggers who aim their arrows at the Tobacco Control Industry regularly</metadesc>
==This is a list of free-choice bloggers==
==This is a list of free-choice bloggers==
* [http://alternativeanalysis.blogspot.ca/ Alternative Analysis (UK) ]
*[http://inconvenientliberty.blogspot.ca/2012/07/overdue-posts.html An Incovenient Liberty (US)]
* [http://antithrlies.com/ Anti-THR Lies and related topics]
* [http://myblog.ottawaarts.com/categories/smoking/ Audette-O-Blog (Canada) ]
*[http://boltonsmokersclub.wordpress.com/ Bolton Smokers Club (UK)]
* [http://www.cagecanada.blogspot.com/ C.A.G.E. Citizens Against Government Encroachment (Canada)]
* [http://www.cagecanada.blogspot.com/ C.A.G.E. Citizens Against Government Encroachment (Canada)]
* [http://cleanairquality.blogspot.com/ Clearing The Air (US)]
* [http://cleanairquality.blogspot.com/ Clearing the Air (US)]
* [http://www.casaa.org/News.php Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association]
* [http://ravengrim-thedevilsinthedetails.blogspot.com/ Devil's in the Details (US)]
* [http://dickpuddlecote.blogspot.com/ Dick Puddlecote (UK)]
* [http://dickpuddlecote.blogspot.com/ Dick Puddlecote (UK)]
* [http://ep-ology.blogspot.ca EP-ology (US)]
* [http://cfrankdavis.wordpress.com/ Frank Davis (UK)]
* [http://cfrankdavis.wordpress.com/ Frank Davis (UK)]
* [http://freedom-2-choose.blogspot.com/ Freedom-2-Choose (UK)]
* [http://freedom2choose.info/ Freedom-2-Choose (UK)]
* [http://f2cscotland.blogspot.com/ Freedom-2-Choose (Scotland)]
* [http://f2cscotland.blogspot.com/ Freedom to Choose (Scotland) (UK)]
* [http://grieshaber.wordpress.com/ Grieshabers Wissenschaftdialog]
* [http://www.headrambles.com Head Rambles (Ireland)]
* [http://allgoneballs.blogspot.com It's all bollocks! (UK)]
* [http://www.prossmoker.net/ Jay's Smokers Rights Blog (US)]
* [http://jredheadgirl.blogspot.com/ JRedheadGirl (US)]
* [http://jredheadgirl.blogspot.com/ JRedheadGirl (US)]
* [http://keepstlouisfree.blogspot.ca/ KEEP ST. LOUIS FREE! (US)]
* [http://dengulenegl.dk/blog/ Klaus K blog (Denmark)]
* [http://daveatherton.wordpress.com/ LifestyleReviews (UK)]
* [http://daveatherton.wordpress.com/ LifestyleReviews (UK)]
* [http://nannyingtyrants.blogspot.com/ Nannying Tyrants (UK)]
* [http://nannyingtyrants.blogspot.com/ Nannying Tyrants (UK)]
* [http://smokingoutthetruth.com/ Smoking out the Truth (UK)]  
* [http://niklowe.blogspot.com/ Oh what NOW! (UK)]
* [http://patnurseblog.blogspot.com/ Tea And Cigarettes (UK)]
* [http://pro-choicesmokingdoctor.blogspot.ca/ Pro-choice Smoking Doctor (UK)]
* [http://www.redheadfullofsteam.com/ RedHeadFullOfSteam ]
* [http://repealsmokingbans.com/ Repeal Smoking Bans (US)]
* [http://smokervoter.webs.com/ Smokervoter.com (US)]
* [http://smokingoutthetruth.com/ Smoking Out the Truth (Ireland)]
* [http://fightantismokertyranny.blogspot.ca/ Stand Fast (Canada) ]
* [http://tavernsclearing.blogspot.com/ Taverns Clearing the air??? (US)]
* [http://ravengrim-thedevilsinthedetails.blogspot.com/ The Devil In the Details (UK)]
* [http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com The Rest of the Story (Michael Siegel)]
* [http://fuelinjectedmoose.blogspot.ca/ The Moose (UK)]
* [http://rodutobaccotruth.blogspot.de/ Tobacco Truth]
* [http://underdogsbiteupwards.wordpress.com/ Underdogs bite upwards (UK)]
* [http://velvetgloveironfist.blogspot.nl/ Velvet Glove, Iron Fist (UK)]
* [http://velvetgloveironfist.blogspot.nl/ Velvet Glove, Iron Fist (UK)]
* [http://niklowe.blogspot.com/ Oh what NOW! (UK)]
* [http://veritasvincitprolibertate.wordpress.com/ Veritas Vincit Pro Libertate (US)]
* [http://underdogsbiteupwards.wordpress.com/ underdogs bite upwards (UK)]

Latest revision as of 02:17, 15 March 2015